Reading STAR WARS: Thrawn Ascendancy

Book 1:

CHAOS RISING is everything I wanted from a Thrawn book. Timothy Zahn weaves a believable backstory for one of the iconic characters of the Star Wars universe. I absolutely enjoyed the “memories” chapters with a young Thrawn and his early student/cadet days plus the insight into his original family and connections with the Mitth family.

I loved every scene with his analysis of artwork as insight to battle tactics, something that we expect to see from Thrawn and Zahn didn’t disappoint. The character development of young Thrawn to Captain Thrawn also worked for. I particularly liked his interaction with Thalias and the young sky walker Che’ri.

Favorite quotes:

“There were dangers out there in the darkness, hidden worlds and tyrants who sought conquest and destruction.” (chapter one, page 17)

“Art mirrors the soul, from which tactics arise. One can see in artwork the strengths and weaknesses of those who created it.” (Thrawn)

“. . . negative information was still information.” (Thalias musing about Thrawn)

“All beings possess imagination to varying degrees. It can be encouraged and nurtured, or can sometimes shine out in moments of stress. But curiosity is a choice. Some wish to have it. Others don’t.” (Thrawn)

“The cautious path merely guarantees a slow slide to irrelevance.” (Mitth Patriarch)

Book 2:

GREATER GOOD dives deeper into Thrawn’s days as a Senior Captain in the Expansionary Defense Fleet. Book two of the trilogy continues the search for the mysterious enemy that has set out to destroy the Chiss. The enemy deftly begins to sow discord among the Chiss Nine Ruling Families and the Forty Great Houses, forcing Defense Fleet warriors to choose: Family or Military. 

Again, the “memories” chapters were artfully constructed and some of my favorite pages as they allowed intriguing insight into the moves and countermoves of the enemy. As always, Thrawn doesn’t disappoint. His tactics intrigue me and I enjoy the reactions of the enemies as well as his peers as they try to figure out what he’s doing and if it will actually work. If you enjoy reading space battles, GREATER GOOD has plenty and the action keeps the pace moving. 

One of my favorite aspects of this book, and of the trilogy as a whole, is the detailed immersion into the Chiss family structures and how it’s intertwined with the politics and military. GREATER GOOD is a solid book two in the trilogy, ending on a “what?!” moment that I loved. 

Favorite quotes:

“We don’t do things just because they’re easier. We do things because they work.” (Mid Captain Samakro)

“It can be tactically advantageous for an enemy to believe in limits that don’t actually exist.” (Thrawn)

“The odds are never impossible, merely unfavorable.” (Thrawn)

Book 3:

From the inside book cover: “But the truth of a family’s legacy is only as strong as the legend that supports it. Even if that legend turns out to be a lie.”

LESSER EVIL concludes the Thrawn Ascendancy trilogy. It is moves and countermoves, family versus family, and a series of what seem like inconsequential events that ultimately lead to the potential fall of a civilization. However, Thrawn will look into the deep past of the Chiss to save its future. 

The “memories” chapters in LESSER EVIL are my favorite from all three books. I loved the story they told and it provides essential insight into who Thrawn is at the core and that makes it easier to understand the Thrawn we know from his Empire era. Author Timothy Zahn paints a clear picture of Thrawn and his relationship with Thrass, the one Chiss who truly becomes his friend, his brother. 

The longest book of the trilogy, LESSER EVIL packs a punch with intense battles, twisty political ploys, back-stabbing family games, and still manages to weave in lighter moments at just the right time with banter on the starship bridge and insightful moments from our main character. Book three expertly wraps up the multitude of storylines, big and small. The final 100 pages were some of my favorites as Zahn gives the reader closure where it’s needed. 

I knew going into the trilogy that somehow it would set things up for the next stage of Thrawn’s career, namely his exile and immersion into the Star Wars world as we know it. As a reader and long-time fan, I like the way the book concludes and how it leads us into what we know is coming next, especially if you’ve read THRAWN by Timothy Zahn (published in 2017). 

Favorite quotes:

“In my experience, superior wisdom can stand on its own merits. It does not require a warship to force acceptance.” (Thrawn)

“Never throw away a possible weapon when it’s unnecessary to do so.” (Thrawn)

“And if there was one thing Ar’alani had learned about power, it was that for far too many people a small and fleeting taste wasn’t nearly enough.” (Admiral Ar’alani)

“Allies of convenience are still allies.” (Thrawn)